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Barriers to Participation

Elections Canada's mission is to ensure that Canadians can exercise their democratic rights to vote and be a candidate. Research shows that some electors, including youth, new Canadians, electors with disabilities and Indigenous electors, face barriers to participating in elections.

These barriers can include not knowing the ways to register and vote, or how to work at an election or run as a candidate.

What is Elections Canada doing to address these barriers?

Through the Inspire Democracy program, Elections Canada works with a network of partner organizations to share key information and hold workshops for people who face barriers to participating in elections. This includes sharing resources in English, French, 49 other languages and accessible formats (braille, large print, audio CDs).

Click on one of the links below to see what information we have on barriers facing First Nations, Métis and Inuit electors, people with disabilities, youth and new Canadians.

Are you looking for classroom resources? Check out Elections and Democracy, a website for elementary and secondary teachers. It's full of student-friendly information, interactive tools and cross-curricular lessons.